GanttProject application with bundled Java Runtime is now available from Microsoft Store. We hope that this will make it easy to install on portable Windows devices, such as Microsoft Surface.
Please notice that this app is marked as unofficial. It was packaged by Hauke Hasselberg independently on his own initiative, and we can't provide support with respect to packaging issues, should they arise. However, it is the same GanttProject which you can download from our official locations and we do provide the same best-effort support for packaging- and device-independent functionality.
Please notice that this app is marked as unofficial. It was packaged by Hauke Hasselberg independently on his own initiative, and we can't provide support with respect to packaging issues, should they arise. However, it is the same GanttProject which you can download from our official locations and we do provide the same best-effort support for packaging- and device-independent functionality.