GanttProject 2.6.3 a maintenance update of Brno release branch was published a couple of days ago and is available for download.
There is a lot of translations updates, thanks to our awesome translation volunteers and Crowdin translation service! GanttProject 2.6.3 is completely or almost completely translated to 25 languages. Worth noticing that we internationalized Sortavala PDF export theme, so now you'll be able to send a report with Tâches instead of Tasks in the task list to your French-speaking partners, and print the name of Encargado do proxecto instead of Project manager for those who speak Gallegan.
There is a couple of important bugfixes, specifically, we fixed a few CSV and MS Project import/export problems and these annoying ghost remnants of collapsed tasks:
The complete list of bugs fixed in GanttProject 2.6.3 is available in our bugtracker.
There is a lot of translations updates, thanks to our awesome translation volunteers and Crowdin translation service! GanttProject 2.6.3 is completely or almost completely translated to 25 languages. Worth noticing that we internationalized Sortavala PDF export theme, so now you'll be able to send a report with Tâches instead of Tasks in the task list to your French-speaking partners, and print the name of Encargado do proxecto instead of Project manager for those who speak Gallegan.
There is a couple of important bugfixes, specifically, we fixed a few CSV and MS Project import/export problems and these annoying ghost remnants of collapsed tasks:
The complete list of bugs fixed in GanttProject 2.6.3 is available in our bugtracker.