Monday, July 23, 2012

GanttProject Brno beta II

The second beta of Brno, the next major GanttProject update, is available for downloading. It fixes a severe problem with task properties dialog which essentially made the fisrt beta useless, so please give it a try again! Also, we enhanced WebDAV user interface. Now it looks like this:

You can navigate through folders, delete, lock/unlock files (if server supports locking). You can choose a server from a drop-down list and add new servers.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

GanttProject 2.5.4

One more maintenance update, which fixes 11 issues is available for downloading. The most notable fixed issue is PERT chart scrolling. Now it sits in a scroll pane!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Linux Insider: GanttProject Packs Prodigious Planning Power

Nice article in Linux insider:

"GanttProject is an impressive project management tool that can be a useful alternative to similar applications locked onto other OS platforms. For enterprise and small-business users, GanttProject's cross-platform access and easy data portability make it a winning choice for Linux users."

I hope our Ubuntu users don't suffer even from this problem:

"But I don't understand why Linux app programmers insist on shooting themselves in the foot with this no-menu massacre"

because our deb package for Ubuntu installs menu item just fine!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

GanttProject Brno: the first beta

I am happy to announce that we're starting beta-testing of GanttProject Brno, which is a major update with  new cool features.

The headline is zero-duration milestones, our old debt. It is exactly as it reads: milestones are tasks with no duration. If you have an old project where you already rely on milestones which take 1 day, you will be able to keep them, though.

Next, it is possible to show task names in the timeline, so that the most important deadlines were always visible, no matter how deep they are in the task tree. Milestones are shown there by default, but you can also add individual tasks to the timeline.

And a few more features:

  • charts are now draggable in all directions;
  • a new Outline number column shows you hierarchical outline number which updates automatically depending on where a task sits in the tree;
  • CSV import allows for importing comma-separated files. At the moment it partially imports CSV files produced by GanttProject's CSV export, but it is still under development, so expect it to be more flexible in the next betas
  • WebDAV open/save dialog is much more friendlier. Instead of scarce UI with just three fields we now have navigation through folders, options to lock or do not lock a file, editable list of your favorite servers. 

Beta I build is available for downloading as ZIP archive. It should be fairly stable, as it includes all bugfixes from GP Praha branch. Please download it, try it and provide us your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Converting milestones duration

As I wrote previously, milestones in the next major GanttProject update (GP 2.6) will have zero duration. However, you may have reasons to keep them with 1 day duration in your existing projects. Don't fret. When you open a project, GanttProject will ask you if you want to convert your milestones or rather keep them mostly as-is.

Default option is to convert, but you may choose to keep non-zero duration. Milestones in this case will appear as regular tasks in GP 2.6, but if you save a project and open it in GP 2.5, they will appear as milestones.

Once you make decision, it is saved in a project file so next time you open this project you will not be asked. You can also tick "remember this choice" to save it to the options file for all projects.